Some may ask whether it really matters what we believe regarding the end-times because they see so much contradiction between the various Christian perspectives. Some may say, “God can do what He needs to do even if I don’t know what He is doing,” or “If things turn out differently than I expect, it doesn’t matter.” True, God will make sure that His will is fulfilled in the long run, no matter what anybody believes or understands. But what if God is waiting for His people to do certain things in order to fulfill His plan, and since we do not respond to His leading, nothing happens? What if all we are doing is “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13), when God wants us to do something, such as praying according to His perfect will or teaching others about how God wants to create “one new man” out of both Jews and Christians? It would be best if the Lord found us ready and obedient, spiritually feeding the household of the Messiah in this manner before He comes.
Sadly, most Christian end-time theories leave Israel clear out of the picture, whether expecting the Jews to experience an even worse tribulation after Christians are "raptured," or granting them a separate but later resurrection, or expecting the Jews to inherit the world while Christians inherit heaven, all three ideas which reflect an anti-Semitic attitude that is offensive to God. But the Bible cannot contradict itself, and God has already brought His people back to the land of Israel and has restored their fortunes, never to punish them again. He will also fulfill all His promises of resurrection to them. Moreover, Christians must perceive that we are joining THEM in this once-in-a-lifetime event, not the other way around!
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