My interpretation of end-time events offers an explanation that no other theory provides, including a redefinition of the terms: "great tribulation," the "tribulation of those days," God's "eschatological clock," His two "witnesses," the past and future "beasts" of Daniel and Revelation, the partially fulfilled "seals" and "trumpets," the salvation of the "144,000" Jews, and the resurrection of the saints right before the "seventh trumpet" (commonly known by the misnomer of "rapture"), when the Messiah will ultimately shout: "Come up here!" These terms and their significance are clearly analyzed and redefined in this book according to the entire Scripture, producing a totally different sequence of events than commonly understood.
From a negative perspective, I reject: 1) the Pretribulationist concept of the “rapture” of only the Church; 2) the Midtribulationist view of the Sixth Seal as being the mid-point moment for the “rapture” or resurrection of the saints; and 3) the Postribulationist synchronicity of Jesus’ return for His saints and with His saints, among many other things. Those pieces do not seem to fit within the theological constraints of Scripture, and when forced to fit, they produce a picture that is outside of any true Biblical scenario.
From a positive perspective, some elements that I believe are correct in each of the three typical Pre-, Mid-, and Post- Tribulation theories, and which I include in my theory, are: 1) Christ will come for His saints at the moment of the resurrection as a distinct event from when He returns in glory with His saints at the second coming or Parousia, plus the global dominance of the “Antichrist” between these two events (typical of Pretribulationism); 2) the appearance of Christ “after the tribulation of those days” (typical of Postribulationism), and 3) the outpouring of the God’s wrath only upon unbelievers following the “tribulation” and “rapture” of the saints (typical of Midtribulationism).
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